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Zhang, T., Irons, J.L., Hansen, H.A., Leber, A.B (2024). Joint contributions of preview and task instructions on visual search strategy selection. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics. doi: https://doi.org/10.3758/s13414-024-02870-1
Orloff, D.M., Benesch, D., & Hansen, H.A. (2023). Curation of FOAMS: a Free Open-Access Misophonia Stimuli Database. Journal of Open Psychology Data, 11:15, pp.1-8. doi: https://doi.org/10.5334/jopd.94
McKinney, M.R., Hansen, H.A., Irons, J.L., Leber, A.B. (2022). Attentional strategy choice is not predicted by cognitive ability or academic performance. Visual Cognition, 30:10, pp. 671-679, doi: 10.1080/13506285.2023.2175945
Hansen, H.A., Stefancin, P., Leber, A.B., & Saygin, Z.M. (2022). Neural evidence for non-orofacial triggers in mild misophonia. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 1290. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.880759
Hansen, H.A., Leber, A.B., & Saygin, Z.M. (2021). What sound sources trigger misophonia? Not just chewing and breathing. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 77(11), 2609-2625.
Hansen, H.A., Li, J., Saygin, Z.M. (2020). Adults vs. neonates: Differentiation in functional connectivity between the basolateral amygdala and occipitotemporal cortex. PLOS ONE, 15(10): e0237204. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0237204
Li, J., Osher, D.E., Hansen, H.A., Saygin, Z.M. (2020). Innate connectivity patterns drive the development of the visual word form area. Scientific Reports, 10(18039). doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-75015-7
Hansen, H.A., Irons, J.L., & Leber, A.B. (2019). Taking stock: the role of perceptual appraisal in the strategic use of attentional control. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 81(8), 2673-2684
O’Donnel, M., Nelson, L., …, Hansen, H.A., Susa, K.J., et al. (2018). Registered Replication Report: Dijksterhuis & van Knippenberg (1998). Perspectives on Psychological Science, 13(2) 268-294.